Thursday, November 12, 2015

Spelling vs saying, preferring slowness, adult fun, reality vs imagination, types of gain, Western Progress, work vs play, and getting ready to move to Colorado

I think we need to start a petition to change the spelling of forty to fordy, fifty to fifdy, sixty to sixdy, seventy to sevendy, eighty to eighdy, and ninety to ninedy.

Clock in my car says 12:02, clock in my living room says 11:02, clock in my kitchen says 10:41, clock on my phone says 11:15. It's a miracle I ever know what time it really is.

I think I've reached the point in life where I no longer prefer speed over slowness. I'm okay with taking my time. No need to grow up faster. No need to move faster. It's Turtle Time.

My new apartment community keeps sending me notices for their Holiday Coloring Contests. They have an age restriction - 11 years old and younger. It makes me so sad...I want to participate...and I'm pretty sure my coloring efforts wouldn't stand a chance against an 11 year old...I just want to be part of the fun....... Can't we have an all-ages coloring contest?? :-) I don't want to win, I just want to feel included. And I want adults to inspire other adults to have a little fun. What's wrong with that? Hmm? LOL

Sense of Reality vs. Imagination, and their roles in the bigger scheme of life.

Individual benefit vs. benefit of the whole

Types of "gain" - Well-being/health, monetary, etc.

When you know the meaning of something, but you don't know if a word exists for it or not.

Utilitarianism vs. Libertarianism

Short Term vs. Long Term - What really matters? Both? - Why? Because they impact each other?

“The work is not yours to finish, but neither are you free to take no part in it.” – Rabbi Tarfon

“But of course it makes sense because we are Third Worlders and Third Worlders are forward-looking, we like things to be new, because our best is still ahead, while in the West their best is already past and so they have to make a fetish.” ― Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

I don't agree with the above statement to an extent. I think the West is always trying to improve, to "progress", to get better still, even when they've hit a pretty decent standard of living. So where is that line where you cross over to "our best"?

But I do agree that we fetishize the past. We have examples of good moments, and we look back on them to remember what we could be, maybe? Hmm.

"Better" can only be defined when you have a comparison.

“You see, every oppressor knows that wherever one word is joined to another word to form a sentence, there’ll be revolt.” ― Helon Habila

Literacy is one of our greatest defenses against oppression. Libraries offer the water of freedom, but not all people drink.

Four years ago today, I had my first tangible experience with death.

“It is when things go hardest, when life becomes most trying, that there is the greatest need for having a fixed goal, for having an air castle that the outside world cannot wreck. When few comforts come from without, it is all the more necessary to have a fount to draw from within. And the man or woman who has a star toward which to press cannot be thrown off the course, no matter how the world may try, no matter how far things seem to be wrong.” – B.C. Forbes

“The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him he’s always doing both.” – L. P. Jacks

Cross-Country Road Trip Agenda: Florida to New Orleans to Austin to Kansas City to Denver. DECISIONS MADE! :-D

Packing, packing, packing!

Tick tock!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Tom Segura wisdom, Harvard Philosophy Lectures, time travel vs memory, ideals, goals beyond surviving, tea drinker habits, and communication!

"Doesn't really like."
"Really doesn't like."
Word placement matters.

"The meaning of life is...getting the f**k home." - Tom Segura (If you think deep enough, this really does address most religious/spiritual end goals - getting back to the Source, getting back to God, becoming One with the Universe, etc).

12 Free Harvard Philosophy Lectures on Justice (because who wants to pay for an education when you can get it online for free?):

Taurid Meteor Shower this week and next! Look up!!!

....I've reached my quota for spilling things this week...

What if time travel is real, but it only happens in your mind and we call it "memory". You can revisit moments, reconfigure them, explore all of the possibilities, but because everything has already happened, all the possibilities already collapses into the timeline, nothing changes when you revert back to the present? Hmmm...

“Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in face of certain defeat.” – Ralph Ellison

What ideals are we striving for? What does a Utopia really look like? Is it impossible to say because everyone has a different view of it?

What goals beyond surviving do we want to achieve? Space Travel? A society of play? Full understanding of ourselves and this world? (Is that possible?)

"There are times in life when people must know when not to let go. Balloons are designed to teach small children this." - Terry Pratchett

With moving comes a semi-spontaneous cross-country road trip. New Orleans to St. Louis to Denver? Tennessee to St. Louis to Denver? Which route to take?! Aghhh! 

How some people use tea strainers while others just throw the tea leaves in the cup and drink it.

Appreciating differences. 

Communication...makes the world go 'round!
