Saturday, November 8, 2014

The alphabet, significance of self-sacrifice, nuclear, meaningful work, politics, computer culture, passion vs needs, do we disturb the universe?

Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (and how this is used to communicate - alphabetic languages), congruent triangles and disproving a proof, self-sacrifice and love - going against your own survival instincts for the benefit of another (and what that means), Why is privacy important?, how to survive a nuclear attack, nuclear fission vs. nuclear fusion, reasons for living, the importance of meaningful work vs. creating more jobs that people hate (and how we use X in place of Y to equal Z, example = GDP in place of satisfied needs to equal happiness/success of a nation), What makes someone want change?, Why do people still think we have a democracy?, politics and big business should be separate - but how can they be if big business is the one that mainly controls the media?, or - what are the benefits and costs to the majority of the population when big business mixes with politics?, McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, I think we seriously misunderstand freedom of speech and I need to write a letter, Super PACs, Judith Lichtenberg, John Stuart Mill, returning to my thoughts/writings on masks, Bohemianism, the effects of Computer Culture and wondering if it is linked to why our society has stopped clarifying their sentences (or so it seems, anyway), attention crimes, how finding a new perspective is like the overwhelmingly good feeling of being able to breathe again after holding your breath for too long, how different people experience existence (and how it's really difficult to describe), a quote from a friend "We think, therefore we are, but we don't have a damn clue as to why we're thinking about it.", levels of consciousness, the benefits of destruction, how we have solutions but not necessarily the right implementation and organization, P/NP problem, the path of passion vs the path of needs, food allergies - why can we get them later in life?, parenting vs. governing, distinct generational differences, the importance of respect in human relationships, global culture?, taboo subjects, how I need to create a recycling program at my apartment, looking up cabins to stay in at the end of this month, writing writing writing.....and *strokes invisible Movember beard*.....wondering if we disturb the universe or if the universe disturbs itself through us, and what the bloody devil is a universe anyway?

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