Thursday, January 14, 2016

New Zealand Authors, Arakan Rock, Emergence, Sherlock, David Bowie, and a lot of tea

"Lily. After all this time?"

The phases of my life seem to correlate with a change in my choice of hot teas. There was the Red Zinger Era. The Mint Tea Era. The Earl Grey Era. The Chai Tea Era. The Hibiscus Tea Era. The Jasmine Green Tea Era. The Black Tea During the Day and Green Tea at Night Era. And now I am entering into the Citris Herbal Tea Era. How strange, these times.

"For I have known them all already, known them all:
Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons..." -- T.S. Eliot

The difference in your brain between reading words and hearing words.

These wonderful quotes from "The Abominable Bride":

Sherlock Holmes: [annoyed by Watson's questions about his emotional life] "Dear Lord, I have never been so impatient to be attacked by a murderous ghost."

Sherlock Holmes: "We all have a past, Watson. Ghosts. They are the shadows that define our every sunny day."

DI Lestrade: "Mrs. Hudson didn't seem to be talking."
Sherlock Holmes: "I fear she has branched into literary criticism by mean of satire. It is a distressing trend in the modern landlady."

How belief affects a result.

How you can take one word, rip it open, and find a novel inside.

The process of moving from simple to complex in life. Why?

Chess and Emergent Behavior. O_O

"A component has a particular functionality but this is not recognizable as a subfunction of the global functionality. Instead a component implements a behaviour whose side effect contributes to the global functionality." -- Luc Steels

Aotearoa. What a beautful name for a place! Not sure if it's because of the 3 vowel pairs or what, but I love it.

Now I'm paying attention to the domination of consonants in English. Hrmmm...

Confidence. It comes in short supply with me, but I'm working on it.

Friendship. True friendship.

"I liked David Bowie before he was dead." And how loss/death amplifies impact.

Helping people comes in many different forms. (Sometimes actual paper forms).

This poem by Alison Wong:

Reconsidering my decision about waiting on buying new glasses. Generally, they are more apocalypse-hardy than contacts, heh.

Sometimes I still think it would be great fun to be an astronaut. Or even a mailman.

I have some letters to write!

I broke Google Chrome's Tab Counter a few months ago. It stopped counting at 99. Now all it shows is a :D

This Arakan Rock song:

J2 and Chroma:

How solidarity brings together differences.

Me: "Why do they call it STATIC electricity...when it moves?"
Nick: "You're such a Dad."

That look of affection he gives me when I'm getting sleepy while reading a book. <3

Social labels are highly insufficient.

Pai: “But we can learn and if the knowledge is given to everyone, then we can have lots of leaders and soon everyone will be strong, not just the ones who’ve been chosen.” Implications?

"Der Mensch mag sein moko (Tätowierung) in die Erde tätowieren, aber sobald seine Wachsamkeit nachlässt, nimmt die Natur sich zurück, was er sich angeeignet hatte, um seine Eitelkeit zu befriedigen.” ― Witi Ihimaera

I miss the sound of rain...

The never ending dilemma: to read, to write, or to sleep?

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