Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Cold Season Meets Old Friend, Tolkien and philosophy, War and Peace, Benefits of Intellectual Understanding, Chuang Tzu, Vague as Defense Mechanism, Taoism, New Job, George Musser, beautiful sounds, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child revelation, Asian poetry, ghosts, spring, and WORDS!

"Hello, Cold Season, how do you....ACHOOOO?"
"Oh, there's no secret really. Let me shake your hand and I'll show you instead."
*Handshakes ensue*
"You sneaky, courteous bastard, you." *Sniff*
"Can I stay for a few days?"
"You might as well. I doubt I have much of a choice in the matter."
"Oh, and do you mind, I like the thermastat really low?"
"Really? But man, it's cold outside!"
"Oh, no worries, I'll turn it up to like 100.3 tomorrow."
"Sounds miserable."
"Oh stop, and enjoy your tea."
*Few days later*
"See ya next year, Old Buddy!" ;-)

"'With the development of abstract systems, trust in impersonal principles, as well as in anonymous others, becomes indispensable to social existence.' Something is always lost and gained with each new technological advance."
"Good conversation, like a good walk, takes time." - from "The Hobbit and Philosophy"

"The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger Way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say." - from Tolkien's LOTR

The form of teaching, or of the lesson, is as important as the material to be learned.

"Teachers are everywhere. Build the school and the teachers will come!" - War and Peace (TV show, not book)

Intellectual/mental understanding is not always the most useful for "street smarts" or social skills, but it does go hand-in-hand with emotional health, which is just as important.

Every time I go to the mall, or shopping in general:

Evolution of wine bottle design.

"[Chuang Tzu's philosophy] belongs in the context of a society in which every aspect of life was seen in relation to the sacred." - from "The Way of Chuang Tzu"

Everyone's favorite defense mechanism displaying distrust: VAGUENESS. Saying tons without saying anything at all. I know what it looks like, I spent a year perfecting the art.

Generalizing vs categorizing.

Living beyond joy. The part where joy is already there, no attaining, just there.

How do you affect change through a Taoist philosophy? (A question I want answers to).

Subconscious is finesse. Conscious is force.

Ju philosophy.

It kind of hurts to hear people verbally abuse each other. :-/

New job is so far so...good? I may have said something about how crazy Mondays are (first days feel like Mondays), even though it was Wednesday, and the woman didn't correct me. So either every day is a Monday, or...we're both completely bonkers.

*First Day Kitchen Happy Dance Occurred*


George Musser, Spooky Action, and Metaphors (blocks, strings, kaleidescopes - honestly everyone knows the universe is a Tree, right? Or a flower. Or a flowering tree. Keep thinking, we'll find the right metaphor one day):

#7 and #8:

The Outlander soundtrack:

"Harry Potter and The Cursed Child" is being published 19 years after the first HP book. Nineteen Years Later, indeed.

"I lie beneath my window listening  
to the sound of apples dropping in

the yard, a syncopated code I long to know,
which continues even as I sleep, and dream I know

the meaning of what I hear, each dull  
thud of unseen apple-

body, the earth  
falling to earth

once and forever, over  
and over." - Li-Young Lee

The music seen but not heard in the staggered, flashing lights of turn signals.

"Branches of trees try to shred the sky
but succeed only in poking so many tiny holes,
through which pierce lights from beyond the sky
that people simply name Moon and Stars." - Gu Cheng (translation, but I like the image)

Everything about camomile tea is wrong. Bleh. Let the flowers alone.

The ghost behind me keeps clapping. SHUSH!
*Tells Nick about the ghost* "He must like what you're doing."

The anticipation of spring and wanting to see things grow again, bright colors and new life.

Words, words, I've had enough of you today. Show me a poet with unbearable heart-stopping, mind-opening words, and I'll show you a million with none.

The peace of silence.

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