Is it better to be measured and calculated, or to sing in the morning? #EndDaylightSavingsTime
It don't mean a thing if you aint got that swing! *dances in the kitchen with kitty*
Hieroglyphics is so interesting! And so similar to Chinese! Hieroglyphics has 4 different "h" sounds. Symbols for plural and other determinatives. Symbols for sounds, singular, or 2 and 3 sounds together. Hieroglyphics can be written horizontally or vertically, and the way you read the text often depends on what has a face and the direction it is looking! Words were also most often written without vowels (efficiency!) and so they looked a lot like our Text Speak today! Ppl r crzy!
The effects of sounds - perception of hard and soft consonants in English.
Contraindication vs. Contradiction - one of these things is not like the other.
The role of poetry in expressing an understanding about the world. It's not just aesthetics.
What's in an essay? Understanding our understanding of life through the lense of each type of essay. Narrative. Description. Expository. Persuasive. I should write an essay about essays. Hrm.
Hans Christian Andersen's "The Tinderbox" - Glory without consequence? Story as expression of personal events and feelings rather than to convey a moral message...But was it RIGHT to cut off the witch's head???
"The Most Incredible Thing" - Political, emotional, moral, and message about the impact of art. You cannot destroy/kill it, the soul of art lives on.
What part of "germs multiply" do people at potlucks not seem to understand?
The First Mover. Why does the universe move? Bah to the bang the bang de bang diggy diggy.
Technology problem: So few understand all that technology is capable of that we are going to be staring at the future in the same way as we are dumbfounded and frustrated when our computer crashes or is slow. It might be wiser to put the knowledge in the hands of the many, rather than the few. Or maybe we should reconsider the technological future?
When you don't know the limits, you will always be reactive.
Queen of Hearts: Do something she doesn't like and off with your head! Not unlike ISIS. (It's not a joke, but a fair assessment/analogy). Unjust death without trial. Not saying what is punishable, and then punishing ignorance when the crime is actually the unclear system in place. But the unclear system may be on purpose - it allows for violence for the sake of intimidation.
Dehumanization via name calling in Pocahontas.
The theme of "escape from walls" (real or psychologically constructed) in Disney movies. Aladdin, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Ariel, Beauty and the Beast. I'm sure there is more I'm not thinking of.
How many people actually celebrate St. Patrick's Day with Irish food and traditions in America? I love it, I'm just amused at hearing of more people who do. Like "I always slow cook my cornbeef and cabbage all day."
How some people change your life in a great way, how they impact you, and thinking where you might be without them in your life.
How social media is like TV for some people. To be watched, but not used as a medium of interaction.
"If they will listen, sing them a song. If not, keep silent. Don't try to break down their door. Don't try out new medicines on them. Just be there among them, because there is nothing else for you to be but one of them." - from The Way of Chuang Tzu
Anaximander and his fragment.
Why is personification funny? (It is). But why?
"We never use transfiguration as punishment." - from Harry Potter, said by McGonagall when "Moody" turns Malfoy into a ferret.
"Let's teach this shallow prince a lesson by turning him into a Beast." - paraphrase plot point of Beauty and the Beast.
Playful kitten gonna play. Sleepy kitten gonna take a bath on your lap.
Happy surprises! How someone who loves you will go out of their way to make your day! <3 <3 <3
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