Saturday, April 9, 2016

American diversity, what defines Generation Y?, War and Peace, Adjectives, Hearthstone, The glass is broken, April Fool's Dilemma, kitten behavior, BRAINSSSS, Presidential debate monitoring, take a pause, convenience is not a bad thing, Batman v. Superman, my sister got engaged!, Spring in CO, and MORE!

Is America's diversity its greatest strength or its greatest weakness? Neither? Both?

Which events, people, discoveries, etc. define our generation? Or which do you think are the most significant in our generation? (I have an idea for a cultural study based on this question).

"Read this, so we can argue about it." (I hope one day I give someone a book while saying this, haha).


"He was such an extraordinary little man. He was just a peasant, you know, but he seemed to have grasped the secret of how to live. He never worried, he took pleasure in the good things and endured the bad things cheerfully, and his little dog, how he loved her. 'She knows how to ask for love,' he'd say, 'and she knows to give it. What else can you ask?' And he was right, I think. So, now, I'm trying to live like him. Is that ridiculous?"
-- from War and Peace (miniseries)

When ideology affects behavior.

Calculating uncertainty.

Adjectives are opinions or relative interpretations.

The Hearthstone intro is fun and welcoming when expected, not so much when unexpectedly at 1:30AM a gruff male voice randomly says, "Well look who it is!" and you don't know where the noise is coming from... O_O

"When everything's meant to be broken..." - Iris


"Maybe one day you'll understand why, Everything you touch surely dies." - Passenger

Everything is made/created to be broken. Entropy! The glass is already broken!

What are the effects of one day of acceptable deception on the rest of the year? #WeFigureOutNoOneIsExpectingToBeDeceived #UnlessYouAreASkeptic

Harry: "But the Muggles! Can't they see us?"
Stan Shunpike: "Muggles? They don't see nothing, do they?"
Shrunken Head: "No, but if you jab them with a fork, they feel it!"

We expect people to act in predictable ways.

"Even though the female [lion] is usually the hunter, the male lion will usually eat first, usually with the cubs and the females come to the dead animal later."

Sometimes you have to wonder if your kitten's mind while playing with a toy goes something like, "Oh! I got it! It's miiiiiine! And I killed it! Look Mom, I can hunt! Here, take this and..."
*Takes toy and throws it across room*
Mom! You're magical!!! You brought it back to life! I'm gonna go kill it again! Watch me! Weeeeeeee!"

The mind's ability to shut off or ignore an area of your brain at will. Like telling your brain that you no longer know how to read so that you can focus on something else.

People who monitor a presidential debate should not tolerate name calling.

Aristophanes' "Lysistrata"

If you take a pause when you know you're being ridiculous to acknowledge to yourself that you are being ridiculous you are more likely to prevent yourself from further ridiculousness. Most of the time, anyway.

People pay more to be in a convenient location, but less for convenient "food".

Batman was angry about Superman's repercussions while saving lives, but in the process of trying to kill Superman, how many people did Batman murder/laws did he break in order to get the weapon needed to kill him?

The movie (Batman vs. Superman) brought up a good question - what would humans do/how would they react not only to find we are not alone in the universe, but also that they could not control the actions of the aliens that presented themselves to us?

The weakness humans feel in trying to save others while loving someone close to them. The only way it works is unwavering sacrifice and support. (Theme also found in Spiderman).

My twin sister just got engaged!!! :-D :-D :-D

And Colorado is starting to fill with wildflowers! <3



  1. Interesting... Congrats to your sister! I personally thinknthat diversity doesn't really affect one way or the other, but I see that you went off on several tangents. I'm a twin, too

  2. Thanks! Why do you say diversity doesn't affect anything? They aren't tangents, they are other thoughts. This blog is mostly a stream of consciousness, not an essay, but I'd be happy to elaborate on any of the thoughts posted here. Nice to meet another twin!

    1. +Rebecca Kon Diversity of ideas maybe, but not of different groups of people in terms of progress. It does affect our identity, though
