Saturday, February 20, 2016

Silly names, peppermint tea, herding cats, grab in case of fire, the pain of decay, yoga, the school lunch problem, Anna Akhmatova, dreaming about sleeping, Steve Gibson's Mom, American values in the workplace, Pen Tester, Hawking's Soft Hair Theorem, baking at high altitude, and more!

Silly gamer names like "FluffyWalrus".

If I had a name that started with an "I" and the next letter an "L", I would purposely always spell my name starting with a lowercase or I'd keep the second letter uppercase. None of that Ilene nonsense. ilene or ILene, that's how I'd roll.

"Not only is my short term memory bad, but so is my short term memory."

Few things make you get accustomed to something uncomfortable quite like, "I have to."

Why are some burned foods tasty?

Mind, why have you forsaken me? In my thoughts forsaken me? Seriously though, how could I forget the almighty healing powers of peppermint tea?!

According to one woman we passed by on the Cherry Creek trail...walking with a toddler..."it's like herding cats." I wanna know where she got her cat herding experience! ;-P

Finally figured out one thing I would most certainly grab in the event of a fire. ...Contacts. My eyeballs!

Decay hurts to warn us into caution mode.

"Only a Sith deals in absolutes."

Some days I know without a doubt that there are moments when my feet should be in the air and my head should be on the floor. Ommmmmmmmm. I miss yoga practice.

Should a child be given lunch at school when parents are irresponsible and forget to add funds to a child's lunch account? Does the answer change when the parents didn't add money because they don't have any? What should the school's action be? Feed the child and ask to bring the money tomorrow? Feed the child but don't ask them to bring money tomorrow? Take the food away and trash it and let the child go hungry? Other solution? Do different situations warrant different solutions in this case, or?

Capitalism vs. Socialism

A poem about Schrodinger's Cat:

^Haha, just kidding. :-P

Dreaming about sleeping is weird and kind of "down the rabbit holey", but it also doesn't make you feel very rested at all. I don't recommend it.

When your job duties go from being a dinosaur to an amoeba, and you're completely okay with that. So much it makes you laugh in awe.

The mother of Steve Gibson from Tag Team ("Whoomp, there it is!") showed me how to use office equipment yesterday. *Amused*

America's ideology regarding the value of time vs. the value of outcomes.

How we pay for things we hope never to use. (Like auto, term, and health insurance).

The obscurity and length of government documents.

You know what I'd love to do, even just for a day? Be a Pen Tester. So many pens, so little knowledge of which ones work best or which ones I like the best. And no desire to buy the whole shelf to find out. But I'd review them all if they'd let me...

I admit it. I'm an insufferable proofreader who notices patterns and breaks in patterns, and I will point out typos all day long if you let me. :-D

Honestly, half the time I look like I break glass with my hands for a living. SMASH SMASH!!

"Then only in the empty spaces,
Death, walking very silently,
Shall fear the glory of our faces
Through all the dark infinity.

So, clothed about with perfect love,
The eternal end shall find us one,
Alone above the Night, above
The dust of the dead gods, alone.”
― Rupert Brooke

“When you think yours is the only true path you forever chain yourself to judging others and narrow the vision of God." - Shannon L. Adler

Hawking's Black Hole Information Paradox and the Soft Hair Theorem. And superrotations. And effing infinity.

Back in 2012, how Nick broke into my car to leave me a note and a book about black holes. :-D <3

Nordic Orientalism.

I have mastered the art and science of baking at high altitude.

"When the shoe fits, the foot is forgotten."
"The key to Chuang Tzu's thought is the complementarity of opposites, and this can be seen only when one grasps the central "pivot" of Tao which passes squarely through both "Yes" and "No," "I" and "Not-I." Life is a continual development. All beings are in a state of flux." - The Way of Chuang Tzu

Does Fiction do a better job of addressing the present than Nonfiction over time? Or does it simply not matter?

The things you forget over time. And the things you remember.

Two way streets.

All that we have lost along the way...all that we have lost along the way...all that we have lost...


  1. Hehe, what the . . . can you explain to me what I just read, Rebecca?

    I have a blog to, swing by and say hi :) @

  2. Exactly what the title of the blog and the Intro promises. A stream of conscious type blog full of what's on my mind, from me to you! :-)

    I'll certainly check out your blog too. Thanks for sharing!
